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Abacus Educational Services SAT Resources
The Best SAT Vocabulary Books

cover SAT Practice: The New Verbal Section presents easy-to-read-and-understand stories packed with vocabulary. Uses a side-by-side glossary -- unlike those requiring constant looking-up. Also provides extensive glossary with word variants, comprehension quizzes, grammar notes, and, believe it or not, it's fun! (Check out the sample chapter and the index in particular). $17.95

Note: Please see our Children's Book Page containing downloadable books, excerpts from, and commentary on books chosen for their masterful use of the English language -- vocabulary practice for the years of peak language acquisition.

cover Bringing Words to Life: Robust Vocabulary Instruction Excellent approach to vocabulary building. $19.00

cover The New York Times Dictionary of Misunderstood, Misused, Mispronounced Words A superb collection! $9.95

cover The Wizard of Oz Vocabulary Builder The classic story retold with extensive vocabulary. $19.95

cover Simon's Saga for the SAT I Verbal A college story splattered liberally with exigent, if incongruous, vocabulary. $9.95

cover Tooth and Nail: A Novel Approach to the New SAT A mystery novel set around the freshman year of college. $13.00

cover SAT Vocabulary for Dummies $16.99

cover Vocabulary Cartoons Building an Educated Vocabulary With Visual Mnemonics 12.95

cover The Ring of McAllister A Score-Raising Mystery Featuring 1,000 Must-Know SAT Vocabulary Words $13.00

cover 500 Key Words for the SAT, and How to Remember Them Forever! $14.95

cover Hot Words for the Sat I $9.95

cover SAT Vocabulary Flip-O-Matic $12.00

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