College Prep English for Homeschoolers at EIE Dec. 11, 2014
Dear Homescholars,
The class feed using our new system functioned beautifully last week. Let’s hope it continues to go well.
December 11, 2014 class
Class Event Page
Youtube Page
The playlist for our 2014-2015 classes is here:
To learn more about the class, please visit:, see the links and watch the video.
The playlist of 2013-2014 classes is also on Youtube:
Submitted Assignments.
Please be prepared to recite your favorite parts this time. Our As You Like It page contains text, video and scene index.
Quotes to identify
The more pity, that fools may not speak
wisely what wise men do foolishly.
if I be foiled, there is but one
shamed that was never gracious; if killed, but one
dead that was willing to be so
What passion hangs these weights upon my tongue?
But is all this for your father?
No, some of it is for my child’s father.
Within these ten days if that thou be’st found
So near our public court as twenty miles,
Thou diest for it.
A gallant curtle-axe upon my thigh,
A boar-spear in my hand;
Now go we in content
To liberty and not to banishment.
Sweet are the uses of adversity,
Which, like the toad, ugly and venomous,
Wears yet a precious jewel in his head;
And this our life exempt from public haunt
Finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks,
Sermons in stones and good in every thing.
O Phebe, Phebe, Phebe!
Who calls?
Your betters, sir.
Else are they very wretched.
Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything
“If a hart do lack a hind,
Let him seek out Rosalind.
If the cat will after kind,
So be sure will Rosalind.
Wint’red garments must be lined,
So must slender Rosalind.
They that reap must sheaf and bind;
Then to cart with Rosalind.
Sweetest nut hath sourest rind,
Such a nut is Rosalind.
He that sweetest rose will find
Must find love’s prick and Rosalind.”
O, yes, I heard them all, and more too;
for some of them had in them more feet
than the verses would bear.
Is it a man?
And a chain, that you once wore, about his neck.
God buy you: let’s meet as little as we can.
I do desire we may be better strangers.
You have a nimble wit: I think ’twas made
of Atalanta’s heels. Will you sit down with
me? And we two will rail against our mistress
the world and all our misery.
Your accent is something finer than you could
purchase in so removed a dwelling.
O dear Phebe,
If ever,—as that ever may be near,—
ou meet in some fresh cheek the power of fancy,
Then shall you know the wounds invisible
That love’s keen arrows make.
But till that time
Come not thou near me: and when that time comes,
Afflict me with thy mocks, pity me not;
As till that time I shall not pity thee.
For I must tell you friendly in your ear,
Sell when you can: you are not for all markets:
Dead Shepherd, now I find thy saw of might,
‘Who ever loved that loved not at first sight?’
You have simply misused our sex in your love-prate:
that blind rascally boy that abuses every one’s eyes
because his own are out, let him be judge how deep I
am in love.
“Art thou god to shepherd turn’d,
That a maiden’s heart hath burn’d?”
Can a woman rail thus?
Call you this railing?
Will the faithful offer take
Of me and all that I can make;
Or else by him my love deny,
And then I’ll study how to die.”
Twice did he turn his back and purposed so;
But kindness, nobler ever than revenge,
And nature, stronger than his just occasion,
Made him give battle to the lioness,
This was not counterfeit: there is too great
testimony in your complexion that it was a
passion of earnest.
Is’t possible that on so little acquaintance you
should like her? that but seeing you should love
her? and loving woo? and, wooing, she should
grant? and will you persever to enjoy her?
for your brother and my sister no
sooner met but they looked, no sooner looked but
they loved, no sooner loved but they sighed,
no sooner sighed but they asked one another the
reason, no sooner knew the reason but they sought
the remedy; and in these degrees have they made a
pair of stairs to marriage which they will climb
Why then, tomorrow I cannot serve your turn for
I can live no longer by thinking.
Good shepherd, tell this youth what ’tis to love.
If there be truth in sight, you are my daughter.
f there be truth in sight, you are my Rosalind.
I will not eat my word, now thou art mine;
Thy faith my fancy to thee doth combine.
If I heard you rightly,
The duke hath put on a religious life
And thrown into neglect the pompous court?
Updated Assignments
Please continue to submit papers, poems, diatribes, ruminations.
Let’s read Chapter 8 in the text.
As You Like It. This is a delightful Shakespearean comedy set mostly in the Forest of Arden, Warwickshire. Please watch/read the whole play. The version presented is superb but feel free to watch others. There’s also an excellent version set in Japan that we can seek out.
The accents of Shakespeare’s day
Please watch this video on Shakespearean pronunciation by Ben Crystal.
Language immersion
Let’s watch Christopher Hitchens on Thomas Jefferson
Let’s continue with our ongoing projects if they are not yet complete:
Documentary by Jonathan Miller: Madness Note that some of this material is rather heavy. Please skip any parts.
Documentary by Stephen Fry: Planet Word
Older Assignments
Essay Study
Essays by David Berlinski, a remarkably eloquent and incisive American author. Let’s continue with The Advent of the Algorithm, The 300-Year Journey from an Idea to the Computer
Here are a few more to choose from:
Where Physics and Politics Meet |
A Scientific Scandal |
What Brings a World into Being? |
Was There a Big Bang? |
The Jonathan Miller documentary: The Body in Question and The Machine That Made Us, documentary on the Gutenberg press by Stephen Fry.
Rowan Atkinson on freedom of speech
David Berlinski lecture: The Devil’s Delusion
A really rather fascinating lecture. Listen to it specifically for the language.
Lower Priority Assignments
Terry Eagleton on the war on terror. Prof. Eagleton is one of the great speakers.
Robert Fisk on writing and journalism. Fisk is one of the most highly honored journalists in the world.